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The SADC des Îles-de-la-Madeleine offers financial services to support your business projects such as start-up, modernization, acquisition and expansion.  


" I highly recommend this service to all young entrepreneurs and people in career transition who wish to bring their business projects to fruition. The support, guidance and resources offered by the SADC are invaluable for the start-up and sustainability of new businesses.”


This fund is intended for your start-up, succession and expansion projects or for your needs in infrastructure, equipment, working capital, and more.  

LOAN from $ 5,000 to $ 300,000

Competitive interest rates

Flexible repayment terms  

Early repayment without penalty  

No annual management fees    

- Mylène Lapierre, Cabinet comptable Mylène Lapierre


This fund is intended for your business acquisition projects.  

LOAN from $ 5,000 to $ 50,000

Deferral of capital repayment for 2 years

Competitive interest rates

Flexible repayment terms  

Early repayment without penalty  

No annual management fees    

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" The SADC was very important in my business buyout process. Their expertise and attentiveness led me to put my project down on paper. The speed with which they got on board gave me confidence. It's encouraging to feel supported by your community when you decide to go into business for yourself. ”

- Marie--Frédérique Cummings, L'Océane Boutique

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“ The SADC was of great help in my takeover project. Thanks to their business succession financing program, I was able to obtain the funds I needed to buy back a business and build up working capital. With their courteous, personalized and efficient service, as well as their sound advice, the SADC des Îles-de-la-Madeleine represents an important pillar in my entrepreneurial journey.”


This fund meets a variety of projects or needs, for entrepreneurs between 18 and 39 years old.

LOAN from $ 5,000 to $ 50,000

Competitive interest rates

Possibily of deferral of capital repayment for 2 years

Flexible repayment terms  

Early repayment without penalty  

No annual management fees    

- Juliette Lévesque-Guilbeault, Café des Lupins


The main objective of this fund is to financially support businesses in the implementation of sustainable development projects.

LOAN from $ 5,000 to $ 300,000

Deferral of capital repayment for 12 months

Non-refunsable contribution up to $ 2,000 for specialized professional services

Some examples of eligible projects: waste management, energy efficiency, design of environmentally responsible products, circular economy, etc.  




This fund is offered to start-up or developing artisan entrepreneurs.

LOAN from $ 5,000 to $ 25,000

Competitive interest rates

Possibily of deferral of capital repayment for 2 years

Flexible repayment terms  

Early repayment without penalty  

No annual management fees  


This fund is available to part-time women entrepreneurs (flexipreneurs) to help them realize their acquisition, start-up or growth projects. 

LOAN from $ 5,000 to $ 25,000

24-month interest-free period

Are you a flexipreneur?

A flexipreneur is a woman who pursues entrepreneurial activities alongside another occupation (job, family care, etc.). People whose business is seasonal and who have another occupation for the rest of the year are also considered flexipreneurs.

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This fund is offered to digital transition, whether for implementing management systems, automating processes, robotics, home automation, or enhancing IT security. 

LOAN from $ 10,000 to $ 50,000

Interest-free for the first two years 

Possibily of deferral of capital repayment for 2 years

Attractive interest rate


This fund is designed to facilitate the adoption of eco-responsible practices or the implementation of clean technologies within companies. Are you looking to optimize your energy or waste efficiency, or reduce your greenhouse gas emissions? The Green Strategy is for you!

LOAN from $ 10,000 to $ 50,000

Interest-free for the first two years 

Possibily of deferral of capital repayment for 2 years

Attractive interest rate

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This fund is designed for your business acquisition projects

LOAN from $ 10,000 to $ 50,000

Interest-free for the first two years 

Possibily of deferral of capital repayment for 2 years

Attractive interest rate


Isabelle Lapierre

Conseillère aux entreprises


Angélique Lafrance

Conseillère aux entreprises

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